The Good Move Mood

How are you feeling?

Seriously, how are you feeling?

How many times have you heard or been told that exercise will make you feel better?

The science junkies have obsessively told the general public that exercise leads to feeling better or feeling good about yourself. For some of us, exercise is daunting and can even seem like plain torture. It’s not – it can just feel that way in the beginning (we promise!).

Let’s look at your emotions, mood, and thoughts towards exercise.

Are emotions and moods different?


  • Immediate, short-lived responses to an event in our external world. Examples: Anger and joy


  • Longer in duration, not as intense, and tend to be hard to determine the source. A mood is the lingering effect of an emotion. Might be the result of how we have analyzed, understood, and processed our raw emotion. Examples: Happiness and frustration

How you feel during the workout, before the workout, and after the workout is just as important as measuring how much you lifted or what your form was like.

Pay attention to your feelings during the workout and also how you feel hours or days after the session. These elements MATTER.

Key Tips

  1. Limit Competition
    • This is your journey. Friendly competition with a friend, partner, or gy-nemy (gym enemy) may sound fun, but when you are just starting your fitness journey this can lead to anxiety and frustration.
  2. Reinforce self-selection
    • Consider when and what makes you happy while you’re moving! Tag the key moments during a workout when you are happiest. Try to replicate those moments and times.
  3. Forget “No Pain – No Gain”
    • Go at a pace that is challenging but comfortable. You know your body more than anyone else. Communicate to your trainer, group instructor, or to yourself. The better and happier you feel when you leave a session or a class, the more likely you will return.
    • Let your body adapt to progress – this takes time. Fitness is a process. You cannot rush your body in the span of 30 days. The body needs a minimum of 4 to 6 weeks to recognise and adapt.
  4. Avoid Overtraining
    • Quality will always be greater than quantity. Your body also needs sufficient rest and recovery in between sessions.

Listen to your body.

Understand yourself.

Thank yourself.

Setbacks are human. Ask for help if you need it. Your personal trainer is a great point of contact to help you during your low points.

Remember your emotions, thoughts, and moods are valid and important.

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